So, here again, I'm checking out the ingredients of one of my favorite shower products and saddened to see the results.
This was a product I would regularly use before I'd step out of the shower for added moisture and a silky feeling before towel drying my skin.
My favorite site for checking out ingredients is the site.
What I found was that the Body Oil shown here rated a overall score of "4". This is not too bad in my opinion,

However, there are individual ingredients that do trouble me, rating much higher.
Here are the results of the ingredients IN the product that rate quite high. The Sesame Seed Oil is lower on the chart, rating a -0- which is GREAT, but between the scores of these "bad" ingredients and the oil at -0-, it makes the average score of 4 seem not so bad, right?
Tossing this one out. I love the feel of the oil, but I'm headed out to buy pure sesame seed oil and maybe mix it with Fractionated Coconut Oil and a little of my own Essential oil and I'm betting it will be cheaper too! No synthetic fragrances, no chemicals needed in a simple after shower oil!