I purchased some Johnson's Baby Lotion a few months ago thinking it might be one of the mildest lotions on the market; afterall, it's in the baby product aisle in the markets. My daughter's skin is a little sensitive the last few years so we've been searching for the perfect after-shower lotion. We've tried the ones her pediatrician recommended, but were not that pleased, so I thought we'd go for simple. I mean, this is suppose to be lotion for BABIES right? So, after using it a few times, we decided we didn't love it either, but in midst of using it one day, I looked at the labeling. I was surprised and recently took to the internet again to check it out on the safecostmetics.org site to see how it rated. Here are the results:
Not impressive at all. In fact, a score of "6" sounds bad in light of the fact that I know this is a average of the individual ingredients found in the lotion, which means many ingredients are higher than a 6!
Garbage pail, here comes more toxins!!
This was about the time I started experimenting with making our own lotions with natural butters and oils. See more about our experiments and what we use today under Handmade Lotions coming soon.
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