Thursday, June 23, 2011

Johnson's Baby Lotion - Some of the Bad

I purchased some Johnson's Baby Lotion a few months ago thinking it might be one of the mildest lotions on the market; afterall, it's in the baby product aisle in the markets.  My daughter's skin is a little sensitive the last few years so we've been searching for the perfect after-shower lotion.  We've tried the ones her pediatrician recommended, but were not that pleased, so I thought we'd go for simple.  I mean, this is suppose to be lotion for BABIES right? So, after using it a few times, we decided we didn't love it either, but in midst of using it one day, I looked at the labeling.  I was surprised and recently took to the internet again to check it out on the site to see how it rated.  Here are the results:

Not impressive at all.  In fact, a score of "6" sounds bad in light of the fact that I know this is a average of the individual ingredients found in the lotion, which means many ingredients are higher than a 6!
Garbage pail, here comes more toxins!!
This was about the time I started experimenting with making our own lotions with natural butters and oils.  See more about our experiments and what we use today under Handmade Lotions coming soon.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Neutrogena Body Oil - some of the bad

So, here again, I'm checking out the ingredients of one of my favorite shower products and saddened to see the results.

This was a product I would regularly use before I'd step out of the shower for added moisture and a silky feeling before towel drying my skin.
My favorite site for checking out ingredients is the site. 

What I found was that the Body Oil shown here rated a overall score of "4".  This is not too bad in my opinion,

However, there are individual ingredients that do trouble me, rating much higher. 
Here are the results of the ingredients IN the product that rate quite high.  The Sesame Seed Oil is lower on the chart, rating a -0- which is GREAT, but between the scores of these "bad" ingredients and the oil at -0-, it makes the average score of 4 seem not so bad, right? 

Tossing this one out.  I love the feel of the oil, but I'm headed out to buy pure sesame seed oil and maybe mix it with Fractionated Coconut Oil and a little of my own Essential oil and I'm betting it will be cheaper too! No synthetic fragrances, no chemicals needed in a simple after shower oil!