Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sweet Pickle pickling season!

AUGUST is pickling month!
Each August I take inventory of my "sweet pickle" stock in my basement and determine if I can survive through a winter without more jars on the shelf!  This year, after taking inventory the answer was NO- so it was time to watch for pickling sized cukes locally!  In Utah, the time to get little cukes is usually the end of August and they only run for a few weeks it seems.  I look for those that are about finger-long and nice and firm.  I generally get a box to do 2 gallons which equates to about a dozen jars and this lasts me a year.  If I want to give some away (they make great holiday neighbor gifts!), then I need to do double that amount!

Here is the finished product!  I have to leave them sit now till about Thanksgiving as they need time to finish taking in all those good flavors from the spices in the vinegar.  THIS is the hardest part -the waiting!!

Sweet Pickles are my favorite to make because I think I have the best recipe in the world, handed down to me from my sweet mother-in-law! She showed me how to make these about 10 years ago and I've been making them ever since.  Simple, perfect and I wouldn't change a thing about them!
NEVER ask how much sugar is in sweet pickles if you truly want to enjoy them!  Just have a few with a nice tuna sandwich now and then and you'll be fine on your sugar consumption!  (I chop them up and toss them into my tuna salad-they are so much better than store bought relish!)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Connecting with Nature

Have you ever used Essential Oils? I mean 100% pure essential oils? Not lotion that says it contains natural essential extracts or oils, but the REAL THING?

Essential Oils make me feel connected to nature, like nothing else does.   I take a deep breath; I really take it in, filling up all my senses and if I close my eyes it feels like.....

Cypress.... a walk in the forest on a crisp fall day
Lavender.....  I'm walking through a beautiful lavender field I recall we visited a Lavender farm in Maui years ago
Wild Orange......... I have a freshly squeezed glass of orange juice in my hand ready to devour
Citrus Bliss.........a reminder of the first Orange Julius I ever tasted - amazingly delicious

Taking in pure essential oils does this to us because the second we breath in the oils, our olifactory sensors are triggered.  The olifactory scensors then transmitt signals to the brain in different areas, but most important to note is that many are sent to the limbic system.  The limic system is connected to our memory and emotional behaviors.  THIS is why when we take scents in through our nose we REMEMBER positive or negative experiences.  I'm sure if you close your eyes you can think of at least one aroma that triggers a positive and negative response for you.   What is your most prominent memory that comes to your mind that is associated with a smell/aroma?
Mine is this:
Brand new crisp bills. Yes, money.  Why?  When I am handed a brand new bill from a bank teller or someone handing me change- I can tell from the feel of it that it's likely very new and then I am drawn to immediately take it to my nose and close my eyes! It's like a instant reaction and I'm looking for a smell because I've smelled it before and I know how good I feel when I get to take in that aroma again!  Again, WHY?  Because, when I was a little girl, no more than 5, my mother use to read to us at night and one day my mother brought out a brand new BOOK. The book was a large, thick, pretty book - Winnie-the-Pooh!  My sister and I were thrilled and we loved it when my mother would read to us out of this book.  Everyone loves to be read to when they are a child.  What I remember most is the SMELL of those brand new pages of printed paper; with the turn of each page I could smell that new paper smell.  Maybe it's the smell of fresh in on paper or it's the paper itself, I don't know.  I do know that the first time I smelled a brand new dollar bill as a adult somewhere, it triggered this memory and now I almost look for the opportunity to trigger this good feeling by smelling new paper!  When I take that in, close my eyes, I see the cover of that book; I see my mother reading to us and I love where it takes me!
Appreciate and enjoy those aromas when YOU take them in- savor it!