Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Zucchini Scrambled Eggs

Harvest 2012
Here is some of my harvest this summer-we are only a family of three so we have trouble eating all that just a few plants produce by ourselves!  It's so rewarding and fun to grow vegetables in your own backyard- have you tried it?  Grow them in a pot if you have to -on your back porch, but do try it sometime!  Start with just a few simple things like a tomato plant and a few herbs or if you have a lot of space you can't go wrong with zucchini or cucumbers.  Those two really spread out so you've got to have room and basically you can't kill a zucchini plant - they seem to thrive no matter how you mistreat them!  All you need is some decent soil and in my yard, I don't even really need to weed much around these plants, simply toss a few snails out of the way every week or so-super easy to tend!  I seem to get through most summers without having to use any bug spray or anything, so there you go- your own organic garden!   I love to add some shredded zucchini in our scrambled eggs in the morning! Try it- they are delicious! It makes your eggs nice and moist plus you get some "green" into your mornings!   I just throw the zucchini in the skillet first with a bit of olive oil, let them cook for just about 2 minutes, then toss in the eggs and cook until done!

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